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The Human Resources (HR) department at a medium-large organization is changing the salary renegotiation process. All employees must acknowledge the new process and if interested in raising their salary, schedule a time to meet with HR. There are multiple opportunities for attackers to capture credentials or execute malware on a target's computer. An attacker could redirect users to a phishing page with a VPN or O365 portal and capture credentials before a victim can navigate to the new process document or schedule a meeting. Alternatively, a malicious PDF file or HTA application could be used for acknowledging the new process or to schedule a salary renegotiation meeting. A spin on this pretext is emailing as if you were a third-party salary renegotiation consulting company working on behalf of the target.

Example Email(s)
From: HR (Human Resources)
Subject: Salary Renegotiations

Dear {FIRST NAME}, The Department of Human Resources has amended the salary renegotiation process. In order to quality for a pay raise, all interested employees, must schedule a one-on-one meeting with a member of the HR staff. The particular HR salary staff member assigned to work with you on salary negotiations will email you separately. Prior to scheduling a meeting with your HR liaison, please review the attached PDF document outlining the new salary renegotiation process. Failure to review the file will disqualify you from petitioning for a pay raise this quarter. Thank you, HR

new-salary-renegotiation-process.pdf | X

From: The Salary Consulting Company
Subject: {COMPANY NAME} Salary Renegotiations

Dear {FIRST NAME}, The Department of Human Resources at {COMPANY NAME} recently contracted our company to oversee the corporate salary renegotiation process. While managers can still petition HR for a pay raise for their direct reports, individuals wishing to make their case for an increase in salary, must first present their application to our team. If you're interested in discussing a pay raise, please book a time on one of our team member's calendars, located here. Thank you, The Salary Consulting Company

Example Payload Ideas

Fake VPN or email portal login page to capture credentials prior to letting employees view the new salary renegotiation process information or book a meeting to discuss salary.

Users are sent a PDF file with the salary renegotiation process information and are asked to sign the file and return it.


We go to work to make money. If your company is offering an opportunity to make more money, you'll likely take it. One downside is this could cause quite a stir in the office, which means employees will be more likely to discuss this email with others. The more a phishing email is discussed, the more likely it is to get caught, so that's definitely a downside of this pretext.
